♥ LOcal TiMe aNd Date ♥

Thursday, December 25, 2008

i bEEn tAgged by yAsriaH

[1] Are you in a serious relationship?
of cOz lah..nOw pLan-ng2 kAn tUnang pLus kAwin..hehe
[2] What was your dream growing up?
weLL mY dReaM iS hAviNg a biG hOuse, a WoNdeRfUL hUsbAnd & becoMe a grEat aNd sUcceSs BusiNesswOmen.
[3] What talent do you wish you had?
becoMe a MuSiciAn pLuS having a gReat vOice aLsO creative designer
[4] If I bought you a drink, what would it be?
HeaVen aNd EartH gReeN tEa
[5] Favourite vegetable?
aNy vEge..xCept “TAUGE”,”TARUNG”,”RABUNG” aNd aLL yg kU rAsa weird di Liat
[6] What was the last book you read?
hMM LaSt tHiNg yG kU bAca bUku pAnduaN aStrO..hehe
[7] What zodiac are you?
Cute SaGittaRiUs
[8] Any tattoos and/or piercings?tattoos??
esHh hArAm eyh giLa x eYh bAhaPa kAn betaTToo-taTToo ani nDa bAik tApi kU dUa kALi beRtiNdiK..pAt teLinGa pLang tOh
[9] Worst habit?
SuKa aHer tyDoi..
[10] If you saw me walking down the street, would you offer me a ride?
nDa..mAlAs kU..kRg kAna mAraAh leH hUby nYa seKati2 meMbawa biNi uRg hehhe kLau pUn hUby nya Nda mAraAh kU cHarge pLang tOh $10 seMinit..huhuhu
[11] What is your favourite sport?
hMM bUkaN pLang aKu aNi jeNis sUka BesUkan p eMuLanYa aKu aNi sUka LuMba Lari sAma sWimMing p nOw sUka JoggiNg aNd sWimmiNg..
[12] Do you have a pessimistic or optimistic attitude?
qUite optiMistic aNd pessiMistic
[13] What would you do if you were stuck in a elevator with me?
iKut u keTawa tApi dAlaM aTi pAnic nDa tAu kAn bUat Apa..
[14] Worst thing ever happen to you?
hMm weLL maSa Masih zAman SekOlah peRnah tegUgUr daLam lOngkaNg.bAik jUa ndA dAlam bNar pLus nDa beAyiNg lOngKang Atu Lau beAyiNg gEreNti kU bASah mAsuk kELaS..
[15] Tell me one weird fact about you?
I gUeSS I dUn hAve wErid fAct aBout me f aDa, I LeT u nOe Lah..
[16] Do you have any pets?
nAda..mAma kU nDa cRuh memeLihaRa aNy pEts aRouNd dA Ouz cEan kAn
[17] What if I showed up at your house unexpectedly?
hMM geRenti ia DataNg kAn baGi hAdiah..hEhe mAna Tau..
[18] What was your first impression of me?
aHH nDa kU tAu aH aPa 1st iMpreSSiOn ku aRh nya Ani p sUka hang Out wif hEr laH..
[19] Do you think clowns are cute or scary?
nEithEr..i dUn Lyke cLowns..they lOok sTupid fOr mE..
[20] If you change one thing about how you look, what would it be?
my wEigHt pLus my Height..
[21] Would you be my crime partner or my conscience?
I wAnt tO bE a CriMe PartnEr tO steaL eVeryOne hEart..(iN a gOOd wAy pLang tOh)
[22] What colour eyes do you have?
dArk rOuNd bLack
[23] Ever been arrested?
never bAhapa Kan kaNa TangKap..
[24] Bottle or can soda?
[25] If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it?
sEteNtunYa shopping daLam dAn LuAr Negeri..
[26] Favourite band to listen to when you're mad?
ST12..sAat teraKhir
[27] What's your favourite place to hang out at?
aT mY hOme..sIuk x aH bLeh bUat aNytHing I wAnt
[28] Do you believe in ghosts?
Nda pLang p aKu tAu iA ada aROund Us..
[29] Favourite thing to do in your spare time?
LiAt tiFi
[30] Do you sweat a lot?
aWu aKu kUat bePaLuh eSpeciALLy Lau kU jOggiNg..hehe
[31] Biggest pet peeve?
oRg yG beLagak Lawa pLus uRg yg bUat kU raSa aNNoyiNg
[32] In one word, how would you describe yourself?
pEmArAh..aRh uRg Nya sepaTuTnYa diMarahi PLang
[33] Do you believe/appreciate romance?
OfCoz Lah..
[34] Favourite and least favourite food?
aKu sUka MamAm eVerytHiNg yG nYamaN dimakaN yg nDa Ku sUka MaMam eVeryThinG yG nDa Nyaman diMakan hehehhe

[35] Tag people on your list to do this
everyonee who read this. ure tagged!